Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, blogs, news, web, broadcast. Industry Email List Customer Rating 3.5 / 5 (Cantera). The biggest advantages mentioned by users are Meltwater's coverage and powerful reporting, with the main downside being its cost. Pricing Meltwater's social media monitoring package is priced at $15,000/year. For more Industry Email List information, you will need to speak to the company's sales team. 5. Talk walker Talk walker is an ideal social
Media listening tool for big brands and agencies. In addition to providing you with the latest mentions of your brand and competitors, Talk walker Industry Email List offers powerful analytics that allow you to spot trends in the buzz around your keywords. Industry Email List It goes beyond basic reporting by analyzing your audience's demographics, profession, and interests. It also creates powerful word
Clouds that allow you to identify the most commonly used hashtags with your keyword. In addition to tracking social media and web conversations, Industry Email List Talk walker monitors print and TV mentions. Image recognition is also available in the Enterprise plan. Supported Platforms Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Flickr, Industry Email List blogs, news, Internet, print media, television. Customer Rating